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Sex trafficking spot on brings awareness to what has finally been brought to the light. HUMAN TRAFFICKING IS A CRIME and those who engage in it must be brought to justice.  

Human trafficking is a crime and considered a form of modern-day slavery.

As of June 2018, the National Human Trafficking Hotline Resource Center (NHTHRC) reported there were:

  • 36,270 human trafficking cases reported since December 2007

  • 162,660 Signals reported since December 2007 (Signals are phone calls, online tips, or emails received)

  • Atlanta is one of 14 cities with the highest child sex trafficking  crimes, and Georgia ranked #4 on the list for human labor trafficking.  

Sex trafficking occurs when an individual is forced or coerced into participating in commercial sex. Additionally, anyone under the age of 18 engaging in commercial sex is considered to be a victim of human trafficking, regardless of force or coercion.

Sex traffickers often target victims who are economically less fortunate, abandoned, bullied, or seeking relationships. They makes promises of a better life, luxury items, and happiness, but then use violence, threats, and other forms of manipulation to keep their victims involved in the sex trade for their own profit. Even though sex trafficking may feel like a distant industry, it’s happening right here in our country and our neighborhoods.

  • 1 out of 4 girls, and 1 out of 6 boys will be sexually victimized by the time they reach the age of 18.

  • 1 out of every 10 sexual abuse survivors will never tell.

  • Due to STDs, violence, drugs, and suicide, children who are victims of commercial sexual exploitation are considered “lucky” if they live beyond 7 years.

  • Homeless, runaway, and neglected youth engage in “survival sex” as a method of meeting basic survival needs such as food and shelter.


  • History of emotional, sexual, or other physical abuse

  • Signs of physical abuse such as burn marks, bruises or cuts

  • Signs of current, inexplicable physical illness and/or sexually transmitted disease

  • History of running away or current status as a runaway, throwaway or castaway

  • Truancy or chronic absences from class

  • Drug addiction

  • Sexualized behaviors

  • Overly tired in class

  • Withdrawn, depressed or distracted

Resources:,, human

TELE: 678-770-3383

FAX: 478-867-2633

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©2018 by A.Slade's Heart &Hand Youth Development Services, INC.

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